“A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with one’s individual karma. The horoscope is a challenging portrait, revealing one’s unalterable past and probable future results. The message boldly blazoned across the heavens at the moment of birth is not meant to emphasize fate, but to arouse our will to action.”

- Swami Sri Yukteswar

Vedic Astrology Readings with Alexia Neonakis

Amogha Āyurveda is thrilled to announce a new partnership with the talented Vedic Astrologer, Alexia Neonakis. This exciting collaboration is aimed at providing our clients and the wider public with access to high-quality Vedic Astrology readings.

At Amogha Āyurveda, we understand that wellness is not just about physical health, but also encompasses mental and emotional well-being. Astrology can play a vital role in promoting holistic wellness by offering valuable insights into a person's personality traits, life events, and potential challenges.

Through this partnership with Alexia Neonakis, our clients can now benefit from her expertise and years of experience in Vedic Astrology. Her personalized readings can help individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their relationships, and their life path.

We are confident that this collaboration will enhance our clients' wellness journey and support them in achieving a balanced and fulfilling life. So, whether you are looking to gain insight into your personal or professional life, or seeking guidance on important decisions, our team at Amogha Āyurveda and Alexia Neonakis are here to help you.

What is Vedic Astrology?

Vedic Astrology is a traditional form of Hindu astrology that originated in India thousands of years ago. It is based on the belief that the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies can be used to predict events in a person's life. The system relies on a detailed reading of an individual's birth chart and combines elements of both psychology and astrology to provide insights on topics such as career, wealth, relationships, and health. It is sometimes referred to as "Vedic Astrology" or "Vedic Jyotish" because it is based on the teachings of the ancient Vedic texts.

Vedic Astrology

Meet Alexia

In 1986, when I was 13, I came across a tattered, magical book called an ephemeris. It had a partially missing cover and its binding was held together by yellowed masking tape. When I opened it, I recall thinking, “This is golden!” even though I didn’t know exactly what I held in my hands.

At that moment, my dharma and karma crossed paths, and I began to draw up charts for everyone I knew.  

As my passion for astrology grew, so did my library and my quest to learn from the masters of this ancient system. Yoga entered my life in the early 90s while I was a philosophy undergrad at NYU, and then in 1999, Āyurveda and Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) were revealed to me. A few years later, I embarked on a life changing journey to India to experience Āyurveda and Yoga. Not long after, I left my life in NYC for the high desert of New Mexico to immerse myself in the formal study of Vedic Sister Sciences at the Āyurvedic Institute with Dr. Vasant Lad, Dr. Claudia Welch, yogini Chitra Giaque and beloved late astrologer Betheyla.

I felt like I was coming home

I have learned through many years of practice and service that our birth charts are our greatest teachers, always reminding us of all we are capable of while giving us personalized tools to navigate the ever-changing waters we are in. By blending my expertise in Jyotish, Āyurveda and Yoga - the 3 Sister Sciences of the Vedas - I am able to provide individualized support for mind, body and soul, and make it accessible in today’s hectic world. With the support of Vedic Astrology, my clients are able to make choices that align with their paths in grounded and empowered ways.

The guidance we can receive from the Vedic Sciences is unparalleled. 

My Vision

To unveil the light within so truth-seekers can become empowered in their choices, creating a life of fulfillment and joy.

My Mission

::: illuminate ::: align ::: empower :::

Illuminate truth in your individualized life purpose

Align you with your greater calling

Empower you to take action

My Offerings

I offer accessible tools for growth and transformation through Vedic Astrology readings.